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01/29/14 12:20 PM #660    


Don Ervin

John I am responding to Bills response on the message forum. However; there is no place on this page for me to send a picture. There is just a rectanglar box to add a response. Nothing like the old one. Where there was a lot of stuff at the top.
Before you just clicked the second little box from the right and you could upload to picture to send.

01/30/14 07:18 AM #661    


Don Ervin

Well Bill L. I am using my eyes and I have my glasses on and the only thing on the page are the words Message Forum - Response and SUBMIT. Nothing else.

01/30/14 09:48 AM #662    


Rex Booth

Dandy Don,

It appears you are not seeing things you are supposed to see.  Maybe Johnny let ET loose again and is creating havoc on the RHS site.... just saying.   I can see the Source Box and the little box to the left and ET at the bottom...

01/30/14 09:53 AM #663    


Rex Booth


There does seem to be some gaps and posts that are missing.   Could be why Don and Bill are in a state of corn-fusion..  I didn't see the original question posted as well.  What do ??

01/30/14 10:08 AM #664    


Don Ervin

Rex I am answering your message from message forum and would like to upload a picture for you, but I can't. All I can do is submit a response.

01/30/14 10:24 AM #665    


Rex Booth


I can see the tool bar with the "source box and other do-whackys.  Have you  checked your 'puters "compatability view"?  Have you tried shutting down and restarting your 'puter?

Otherwise it sounds like a situation for our Super Sleuth  Johnny "Merlin the Magician"...


01/30/14 10:31 AM #666    


Billy Turley

Can you see the worm at the bottom of the bottle ????

01/30/14 10:46 AM #667    


Rex Booth


Is that You... Snakebite??

01/30/14 02:43 PM #668    


Bill Leggett

DON: Click on edit an see what pops up, to the right of the source should be a little box that is black & white, take your cursor an put the arror on source and move it to the right the next pox should say image, just click on it.

IF that does not work then you are out of luck



01/31/14 07:37 AM #669    


Don Ervin

Cuz, the answer as to who is on first?  Is the 1957 Little League World Series Champs Ace of the Staff

01/31/14 08:14 AM #670    

John Allensworth

Glad to see you back on the site, hope all your problems are over.  Is that Don Drysdale on the mound?

01/31/14 09:23 AM #671    


Billy Turley

Just to set the record straight   It was 1956 and I was the #3 pitcher. Fortunately between Tommy Jordan being #1 and Ferrell Dunham being #2 there was not much call for a number 3. Most of the time I just hung out in right field and batted after Valdez and told a few jokes.

01/31/14 09:36 AM #672    


Don Ervin

Cuz, did you think I was talking about you?

01/31/14 09:56 AM #673    


Billy Turley

Oh... the '57 guy was an ambidextrous Mexican from Monterey Mexico named Angel Macias.

01/31/14 10:35 AM #674    


Rex Booth

Don,  you sure that pitcher isn't Jerome Herman Dean of  the "Gashouse Gang"...?

For Snakebit who loves to set the record sraight:  Eet iz speeeled  "Monterrey", Mejico (wif two R's)

Monterey, California haz onlee wun R.


01/31/14 04:47 PM #675    


Don Ervin

So there is no confusion.  This is the Ace of the Staff of the 1956 Little League World Series Champs.

01/31/14 06:16 PM #676    


John Landess

Actually, Rex, to set the record straight......

If you are going to be the site spell-checker, you will have to give up your position as Trivia Lord. There is no way you can have time for both!!!    frown

01/31/14 07:58 PM #677    


Rex Booth

Nanook of the North  aka: John Landess

Is it true Alaska is having a severe salmon shortage?  Some nice and generous folks down in Mississippi are worried and want to know if you'd like some shark meat sent to you up there in Outter Slobovia to tide you over.  


This made the news today folks!!!


Over 150 Frozen Sharks Found Along Gulf Coast as Winter Storm Hits Region


GULFPORT – Over 150 frozen sharks have surfaced on beaches across the gulf coast region due to the impact of Winter Storm Leon on Tuesday according to wildlife officials.

The largest area of concentration appears to be around Gulfport, Mississippi, which has seen at least 67 of the frozen animals. Wildlife officials say that the sharks, who migrate to this area during the winter, were caught off guard by the most severe winter storm in several decades.

“Like many of us, I suspect the sharks did not believe that the area would actually receive any winter weather,” Mississippi Department of Wildlife spokesperson Matt Shepherd tells us. “It is like a Shark-slushy out there. The animals all appear to be alive, so please do not approach any frozen sharks. They will probably thaw later in the week and swim back out into the gulf.”

The number of frozen sharks are expected to increase as the temperatures drop across the region. Officials hope poor driving conditions will reduce the number of onlookers who might otherwise approach the sharks.

“Sharks are remarkably adaptable, they have entered a hibernation like state while frozen,” Shepherd tells us. “They can come out of this state and will become incredibly irritated and possibly violent due to the extreme cold surrounding their body. We have already seen one fatality from an individual trying to take a selfie with a frozen shark. We hope to recover his head later this week.”

The winter storm is expected to clear out of the area tomorrow and area schools hope to reopen sometime in April.



02/01/14 10:46 AM #678    


Don Ervin

This painting is by William Greenhaw well know Roswell Resident and was the father of Billy Greenhaw RHS class of 63.  It was a gift to me from the art collection of T.L.Weathers.

02/01/14 01:05 PM #679    


Rex Booth

Very nice painting Don.   Is this the Hondo close to Peter Hurd Country?   Tommy Lee could always share the wealth next time he donates a painting...   Like Falina.. Hint hint....

02/01/14 04:08 PM #680    


Don Ervin

It is Hondo country and Tommy could take you right to the sight of the painting.

02/01/14 07:31 PM #681    


Rex Booth

"Wild Hickory Nuts" ?
This is dedicated to all the 'nuts' at North, South, and to those kindred spirits who wound up at East.  God bless...

02/02/14 04:43 PM #682    


Bill Leggett


02/03/14 10:35 AM #683    


Rex Booth

Bill L,

That's real bad news about Don's "p-a-i-n-i-n-g".  That must have really 'pained' you to make this discovery.

The Spell Checker is found in the 'add response' "tool bar" on the bottom row.  Click ABC with the green arrow. 

How'm  Ah doin'.... John L....?    Ha!

02/03/14 02:25 PM #684    


Rex Booth

Denver Bronco fans...

This is dedicated to those who were disappointed with the way the Super Bowl turned out.

Dandy Don sings it... so well !!



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