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03/09/16 09:10 AM #3125    


Billy Turley

Hi Yall,

Do any of you remember having a male teacher in grade school ?? I had one at Pecos.

And bye the bye...... plans are well underway for this years Gathering, Aug 25,26 &27 in Ruidoso.

Any questions please contact me at or you can contact Johnny A



03/09/16 09:41 AM #3126    


Rex Booth

Both Sherry Faust & Johnny A  have birthdays on the same day?  It has to be some sort Machiavellian plot... to double thier chances of getting more birthday wishes...  Well ya know, it worked!  Happy Birthday & have a great day Sherry and Johnny!  Cheers!


Bill T,  you sure that wasn't Miss Fisher the substitue teacher on days you actually showed up for class?  ha ha

03/09/16 09:48 AM #3127    


John Landess

Well, in deference to Rex and his aversion to blue, I'll try a new slant on my epistles!!!

I guess that I went to Mark Howell also, for part of the third grade, Charlotte Witt was my teacher. She must have been OK as I have no memories of any of it.... and this is not due to advancing time! I went to more than a dozen schools before starting at RHS, some for only a short time.

Billy, I went to Flora Vista for the 5th and 6th grades. I had Ms.Lippard for art both years and she was as cute as a speckled pup...I was smitten! stayed after school to clean the black-board, slap erasers outside, and everything. In the sixth, my 'home-room' teacher was Mr. Ira Lee, a real dude! He was cool. I thought he was a great guy, THEN, at Christmas, he and Ms.Lippard eloped!! I was heart broken and I guess showed it by being a bad boy (hard to believe). But he figured it out and had a long talk with me, and then gave me one of his cool model planes and all was well..... Then off to South and the horrors there!!!

03/09/16 10:09 AM #3128    


Rex Booth

Well if it ain’t  “Mr. Blue”  aka  John El,   

Looks like your pal, Ira put a lip-lock on Miss Lip-pard that she couldn’t refuse…  I still say if you used a ‘white’ font then we could fill in the blanks for you.    

Is this the song you used in 9th grade to get more sympathy and make chicks dig your 44 year old bod?  ha

03/09/16 10:31 AM #3129    


Billy Turley

My male teacher at Pecos was a guy by the name of Wm Smith from Mississippi. The man had a wicked sense of humor. For recess he had the boys line up and count off 1,2,1,2 then ok all you one's over here and two's over there. He then threw a red rubber playground ball to one group and told the other one to take it away. I am not really sure what he and the girls did, My main concern was to keep my head attached to my shoulders !!

He also was a strong one with the paddle. He would take you to the office,give you an aspirin,tell you a joke and then smack the crap out of you !!! Nuff said and done and send you back to class.

He could have gotten a life sentence in todays PC enviroment.

We did have a little red headed Texas girl who taught 6th grade. What a hottie !!!  Her name was Maxine Wiseman form Lubbock. Played the piano and sang.....made my little heart go pitter- patter.

Speaking of pitter-patter, wishing a very happy birthday to John and Sherry.

03/09/16 11:53 AM #3130    


Don Ervin

Happy Birthday John!  Have a great Day!

03/09/16 05:08 PM #3131    


Saundra Bennett (Whiteside)

Happy Birthday to John A. And Sherry!  Hope you both enjoyed your special day!

Wild Bill, due to the enlightening research by you, Fred and Ray, all three of you get to go to the head of the class!  Hopefully, I can avoid getting a reputation like Ms. Fisher...

~ Teacha Annee.  

03/10/16 03:06 PM #3132    


Bill Leggett

JUST some old pictures not sure who the individuals are. If you know any one please post there names.

03/10/16 04:00 PM #3133    


Don Ervin

Bill you need to post the Wahingto Ave. pictures on the 63 web site all the kids are are 1963 graduates.

03/10/16 04:10 PM #3134    


Rex Booth

Major Mark Howell interesting tidbits.  In addition to all the various positions Mr. Howell held in the development of the City of Roswell is a little more history of this beloved man.

Major Mark Franklin Howell met Captain Joseph C. Lea in 1891.   The Goss Military School established in 1891 and financed by Captain Lea was first located in the downtown business center of Roswell.  In 1893 the Territorial Legislature approved by the Governor established Goss Military School (NMMI) on North Main just north of College.  Both Lea and Howell shared a common interest in providing higher education.  That same year Major Howell taught mathematics and Spanish at the NMMI.  It was said Howell required the cadet students to learn multiplication tables through the 24’s.  Major Howell was “widely known as a spook in mathematics”...  slang for the times.  Major Howell became highly appreciated as the schoolmaster in 1894 at Roswell Central School.  Mark Howell school just a stone’s throw from NMMI on West College was built in 1904 honoring Major Howell.   ~ El Paso Times  1959    Tommy, Marty Robbins would approve this message…

03/10/16 04:59 PM #3135    


Rex Booth

03/10/16 05:00 PM #3136    


Rex Booth


Goss Military School (NMMI)   1904

Teacha Annee,  Iz dis wheah yo gerls finds a rootee-toot fo a Saturday naht date...?   ~ Wild Bill

03/11/16 08:57 AM #3137    


Danny Cathey

As long as we are talking about elementary schools I have a question maybe someone knows.  When we first moved to Roswell in 1952 my mother started teaching at a little school (maybe four rooms) on the East side.  The school was all hispanic best I can remember and whether that was intentional, defacto or whatever I have no clue.  She only taught there one year  and moved over to Washington Ave. teaching first grade.  Anybody know what school that might have been?

03/11/16 09:03 AM #3138    


Danny Cathey

Turley:  Speaking of redheads, do you remember Mrs. Green at South?  She was a bit of a hottie herself.

I had a male teacher at Missouri Ave., can't remember his name, but he taught 5th and 6th grades.  Turned out he was a bit of a preditor (he also headed up a boy scout troop) and got run out of town just ahead of the lynch mob.

03/11/16 10:46 AM #3139    


Billy Turley

Danny, I can't recall a small hispanic school on the east side. I went to Highland for 1-4tht it was bigger, but did have a lot of hispanics. Could it have been George Washington Carver on Virginia by the Hondo River? That was an all black school until the Roswell schools intergrated when we were in the 4th grade.

Mrs.Green's name rings a bell but I can't put a face with it. We another hottie at East in the 9th grade by the name of Miss Polly..

I have to laugh when ever I see a story about some mother's baby boy has been damaged by a female teacher.

Hell if that happened to one of us we would have elevated to hero status. However the thought of some of our female teachers could have scared some of us.

Danny do you remember the 7th grade math class with Mr. Ware ??? I remember Jack Denny and Tommy Koglin and some of the exchanges between Jack and Mr. Ware. I think Billy Ward was in the class also.

03/11/16 10:47 AM #3140    


Richard Watts

In response to Danny's comment about the male teacher at Missouri Ave. His name was Mr. Conner and he drove a jeep, always wanted to take us boys camping as I recall. Our parents would never let us go, they were much wiser than we used to give them credit. Have a great

03/11/16 10:48 AM #3141    


Billy Turley

They always said if you are being run out of town,get up front and make it look like a parade.

03/11/16 12:24 PM #3142    


Rex Booth

This Li'l Critter was hammering away this morning on the Mulberry trees out front.  

Spring has sprung and the sap is a-rising!   Turley here's another red-head... is this a hottie? ha



03/11/16 12:43 PM #3143    


Billy Turley

Rex, All I can say is that red headed pecker wood ain't no Reba !!

03/11/16 03:32 PM #3144    


Rex Booth

Turley,  I found another bird perched in the elm tree in my back yard...  definitely a red-head!  Mercy!!



03/12/16 09:16 AM #3145    


Sanford Green

Danny - Miss Green was my home room teacher in 7th grade.  She liked me because of my name.  I liked her because she had red hair and wore the reddest lipstick I've ever seen.  Lot of fantasies in that took.  I believe Tommy was in her home room also.

03/12/16 05:04 PM #3146    


Fred Miller

Could the hispanic school Danny Cathey refers to be at the corner of Atkinson and Bland.....??

May now be named Nancy Lopez School.......or Mesa Middle School.....????


03/12/16 06:30 PM #3147    


Pat Sullins (Carpenter)

Fred, I don't think it's either of those schools as they are pretty big with lots more than 4 rooms. Nancy Lopez elementary used to be called Flora Vista I think.  Mesa (East Jr. High) is further east on Bland.  I don't know if he might be thinking of the old Eastside school but it was larger than 4 rooms too. I went to it in the 4th grade.

03/13/16 10:11 AM #3148    


Danny Cathey

Thanks for trying on the old elementary school.  I am visualizing this through the eyes of a small kid and maybe the four rooms were just my imagination.  I do remember it as small, as say comparted to Missouri or Washington Ave's, it was tan colored and I would have to say old even in the early  50's.  Oh well.


Sanford:  I can't remember if I was in Mrs Greens homeroom or not, but I do remember Jack Denny was in my class cause one day he was cleaning his nails with a really big switch blade knife and when Mrs. Green confronted him he held it up in her face.  I don't remember what she did to Jack, the whole class was rolling on the floor laughing - "Charlie Brown, he's a clown".  I think this was more like 9th grade, pretty sure it wasn't 7th though.

03/15/16 03:51 PM #3149    


Rex Booth

Union Plaza -  NW corner of Union & West 2nd.  

Where Primm Drug & Piggly Wiggly grocery store used to be.  It is a vacant corner lot now.  Primm Drug moved twice since then.  To 8th & Union, then just recently to 7th & Union close to Cahoon Park.  The Navajo Motel (owned by Mike Ingram's parents)  was on the same side of the street. Also a vacant lot now.   Across the street was Roulon's,  Turley's favorite place to play shuffle board, throw darts, and drink Yahoo Mountain Dew!  Isn't that a Malco sign on the left west of Roulon's?  Jan Williams and I used to go down and swim in the pool at the Navajo Motel and the Holiday Inn.  A white hotel towel and a pair of Ray-ban shades gained entrance every time.  Any other memories of this area?



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